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You are Messiah * song with English lyrics * sing Georg Christian CZ

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You are Messiah * song with English lyrics * sing Georg Christian CZ
You are Messiah
You are Messiah
You are Messiah
You overcame the devil through the blood of the Lamb on Golgotha
You defeated all evil through the blood of the Lamb on Golgotha
You overcame the devil through the blood of the Lamb on Golgotha
You are Messiah
You are our Savior
You are Messiah
You are our Savior
You are Messiah
You are Messiah
You are Messiah
You overcame the devil through the blood of the Lamb on Golgotha
You defeated all evil through the blood of the Lamb on Golgotha
You overcame the devil through the blood of the Lamb on Golgotha
You are Messiah
You are our Savior
Georg Christian CZ

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I know who loves me